Statement on Assessment
ASQ Training and Assessments has the necessary systems and procedures in place to allow the provision of access to fair assessments and we are committed to continually improving on these systems and procedures. Our systems and procedure reflect the needs of individual students and also ensure the assessment continue to enable a valid, reliable and consistent judgement to be made about the achievement of all learning outcomes against stated assessment criteria.
We aim to provide an assessment plans and framework which provides all students with the opportunity to achieve their full potential by the most appropriate and direct route. Our assessment policy is based on the concepts of equality, diversity, clarity, consistency and openness. We will endeavor to ensure that all our assessment processes are fair and non- discriminatory.
Learners, Candidates and/or Delegates are made aware of the existence of this policy on our website, during inductions and during initial assessments and have open access to it. All assessors and trainers as well as staff members, agents and partners are made aware of the content and purpose of the policy which will be displayed along with other policies in our offices, on the website, briefed during inductions and relevant meetings.
This policy is reviewed annually and may be revised in response to feedback from students, trainers and assessors, our awarding organisations and other relevant external organisations.
Every Learner, Candidate or Delegate will be assessed fairly. This means that assessment will be a test of the Learner, Candidate or Delegate’s knowledge, what they understand, and what they are able to do. Every Learner, Candidate or Delegate will be assessed using the same overall set of criteria in accordance with the proven standards from our awarding organisation.
ASQ’s policy of ‘access to fair assessment’ ensures that all assessments/assessment activities undertaken by Learners, Candidates and/or Delegates are reliable, valid, fit for purpose, and transparent. At ASQ we recognise and respect equality and diversity and therefore use a variety of assessment strategies and language appropriate to the needs of the student.
Learners, Candidates or Delegates can expect appropriate assessment opportunities throughout the year. Learning outcomes, performance criteria and other significant elements of learning and assessment will be made clear. Constructive and focused feedback and action plans (next steps) which is appropriate to the needs of the Learner, Candidate or Delegate will be given/advised by the assessors to enable the student to improve their performance and future prospects.
At ASQ Training and Assessments, assessors/trainers will:
What Learners, Candidates or Delegates can expect from us
Learners, Candidates or Delegates can also expect:
For Learners, Candidates or Delegates working on externally accredited courses
Internal assessments will also be carried out fairly and according to awarding body instructions.
A fair assessment of Learners, Candidates or Delegate’s work can only be madeif that work is entirely the Learners, Candidates or Delegate’s own. Therefore,Learners, Candidates or Delegates can expect our awarding organisation to beinformed if:
All allegations of cheating and plagiarism will lead to a full investigation which will follow our company procedure and the guidance of the relevant awarding organisation.
If a student feels he/she has been wrongly accused of cheating or plagiarism, they should be referred to the ASQ Appeal and Complaints procedure.